
510 mots 3 pages
A: Hello Laurie , how are you ?
L: Not very well, because I lost my handbag
A: Has your handbag been stolen ?
L: I don’t remember where I left it A: It’s so sad ! L: Yes , Have you lost a credit card or you wallet ? A: No because I take care to my things . A: I buy sometime I buy anything on the internet , and you , have you ever sold anything on the internet ? L : No never , I’m afraid to lose money L : Have you ever bought anything recently on the internet ? A: L : Have you ever wasted money on something you’ve never used ? A: No because I .. L: Have you ever won any money e.g in a lottery ? A: A: Saved for something for a long time ? L : No , I have never saved for something for a long time because my aunt buys anything I need A: Have you (be) recently robbed ? L : Yes , it happened several times A : Have you (be) to a mall or shopping Centre ? L : yes I go to a shopping Centre every week with my sister .Last week , I bought a sweat for the birthday of my dad L : Have you recently bought anyone a present ? A : A : Have you recently used a credit card ? L : No , because at the end of the month I have no money L : Have you recently taken money out of a crash machine ? A: A: Have you recently borrowed money from someone in your family ? L : Yes , I borrowed money recently from someone in my family from my sister because I wanted to buy some clothes A: all i wan't is enough money to enjoy life me an enjoy ... Bla bla bla + ma justification L: It the same for me, because I envoy spending money L: what heidemarie's job ? A: Jreponds A: What possession does she have now? L: She only has a few clothes and a few personal belongings L: How did the experiment start? A: jreponds A: Where has she lived since the experiment started ? L: At the moment , she is staying in a student residence where she can sleep , have a shower or use a computer in return for cooking for the

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