
1352 mots 6 pages


Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus is a gothic novel written by the young British woman Mary Shelley,published in 1818.The novel is considered to be one of the earliest examples of science-fiction. It is also a warning against the expansion of modern man in the industrial revolution, alluded to in the novel's subtitle The Modern Prometheus. When Mary Shelley's work came out, the general public was introduced to the idea of man creating another man,scientifically without the use of reproduction. The disasters that followed, in the novel, demonstrated the horrid fact that creating humans was not natural. That was in the time where the knowledge of science had not yet involved enough to act on such an idea.
Now, at the beginning of a new millenium, it is possible to scientifically produce one human who is genetically identical to another, or cloning a human, has lot of people questioning if yes or no it is our moral right to do such a thing.

Frankenstein is a work in which people can identify them. The protagonists have differents natures of mind in which it is quite easy to refer to. Either Victor Frankenstein the 'creator', or his creature he had created. Victor Frankenstein is the person who is fascinated by his work and the skills he develops into it,and in which he also wants to get improvements,to get better,to go always further. But there, his passion is transformed into a kind of godlike power he feels for creating new life. So, he found a way to create something new. That is how the creature was born. But in seeking to create a living being out of dead parts, the living being he creates is neither human nor beast but a hideously formed monster. The doctor faces a choice: should he destroy the monster or should he set it free and even create its mate, as the monster demands?
But what Frankenstein

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