Gai savoir

293 mots 2 pages
Arrest report :

At 5:00PM, the policemen of West Market Street arrested an African-American woman who calls herself Rosaleen and states she works as a nanny for the Roland's family daughter, who was accompanying her to the city hall "to register her name so she can vote". The patterns of the arrest are her confession to a group of white men about the fact she stole a white lady fan in Park Street's church, her assault of the three men previously mentioned, and disturbance of the city peace.
The events occurred this way, according to the men's common testimony :
The accused was walking by the West Market Street, along the Esso Station, by the corner with Parker Street, when she saw the three men playing cards. Then, she harassed them, deliberately provoking them to fight her, and finally physically attacked, pouring her snuff jug content on their feet. She tried to attack them more violently before they defended themselves and immobilized her while a witness called us. We arrived at that moment and took her the police station after she tried to resist to the arrest, hitting a policeman with her umbrella. She is now enclosed in a custody cell.
The white girl who was accompanying her, Lily Roland, was treated with respect, due to her innocence and the fact she didn't took part to her nanny's crimes, and her father was called. He came to the station five minutes ago and took her back to her home. No pursuits will be led to the child or her family. On the other side, “Rosaleen” will be judged for theft, assault, and public peace disturbance.

West Market Police Station
July 27th 1964
5:45 PM

Sergeant. Paul

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