
251 mots 2 pages
5) What is your target customer ? Our target customer are the people who haven’t time to make a juice with vegetables and fruit at home. The people we have target for this product are: Firstly, the children, because it's natural and organic. Moreover, those juices contain all the daily needs. They've got all the vitamins you're body ask for. Secondly, this product is also good for sporty people and the ones who go often to the fitness. It gives you energy. Thirdly, the people who are on a diet because it doesn't contain added sugar, it only has natural sugar.
Finally, the juice will also be useful for the “busy people”, because you don't need to prepare the juice yourself so it makes you gain time.

6) Price Range Our price targets people who are in the middle class, so it's affordable for everyone. We chose two sizes of bottles. The first one is 33 cl. So it will cost 1,45. We chose this size because it will be essentially for snacks or just to get some energy when you feel a bit tired. This size is practical because it is small and not heavy. You can easily put it in your bag or keep it in your hand.

cl The second one is one liter and this bottle will cost 3.95 franks. This size will be mostly for big consumption. For example for restaurants, houses, bars and for the parties.

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