
932 mots 4 pages
Hitchcock, The master of suspense
Study of two of his main movies : Psychose (1960) and The Birds (1963)

Plan :
Summary of two of the most famous movies of Hitchcock
Link between both of them
Personal point of view about Hitchcock art
Psycho and The Birds
Alfred Hitchcock, considered as one of the most talented and legendary directors, had realized more than 63 movies during his career.
Psychose, realized in 1960, was inspired by the book written by Robert Bloch, Psycho. The story lasts in Phoenix, where Marion Crane, a young lady, is fed up with the way life has treated her. She has to meet her lover Sam in lunch breaks and they cannot get married because Sam has to give most of his money away in alimony. One Friday Marion is trusted to bank $40,000 by her employer. Seeing the opportunity to take the money and start a new life, Marion leaves town and heads towards Sam's California store. Tired after the long drive and caught in a storm, she gets off the main highway and pulls into The Bates Motel. The motel is managed by a quiet young man called Norman who seems to be dominated by his mother.
The Birds is a psychological thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It focuses on Melanie Daniels, a wealthy San Francisco socialite who pursues a potential boyfriend. In fact, when lawyer Mitch Brenner sees her in a pet shop, he plays something of a practical joke on her, and she decides to return the favor. She drives about an hour north of San Francisco to Bodega Bay, where Mitch spends the weekends with his mother Lydia and younger sister Cathy. Soon after her arrival, the birds in the area begin to act strangely. A seagull attacks Melanie as she is crossing the bay in a small boat, and then, Lydia finds her neighbor dead, obviously the victim of a bird attack. Soon, birds in the hundreds and thousands are attacking anyone they find out of doors. There is no explanation as to why this might be happening, and as the birds continue their vicious attacks,

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