Human resources

3593 mots 15 pages
IBM 07

How can Companies and Individuals benefit from Training and Development?

(With regard to the organisational strategy and to the individual level of development)

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Foreword 3

I. Training and Development 3

A. The strategic benefits from Training and Development 4 B. The personal benefits from Training and Development 6

II. The case: Henkel, a brand like a friend 7 A. Employer Branding, the employer’s perspective 9 B. Employer Branding, the employee’s perspective 10

Remarks and Conclusion 11

Sources 12
Links 12


The present writing will act as a continuation of my Licence Thesis, which dealt with the stakes of the modern management. In the licence thesis I made a reflection about the meaning of the modern management and I proposed a strategic and social approach of the management practices in the today’s complex and global business world.
The strategic approach has to be understood as being a way to generate competitive advantages after analyse of the environment. The social approach comes closer to the individual and invites to an understanding of the human needs and to their satisfaction within the business.

In this paper we will focus on how companies and individuals within the company can benefit from Training and Development.
Due to a quite broad subject we will put the focus on larger international companies that have the resources to hold Training and Development departments. This specific division works or should work hand in hand with the Human Resources departments as well as with the responsible managers to know the needs of the employees and the needs of the company.

In a first part we will engage in a theoretical part and define the main concepts presented in the question, that means Training and Development, companies, individuals, benefit, and strategic and personal level. Within these concepts we will

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