Intercultural management

2965 mots 12 pages

Management is « getting things done through other people ». (Peter Drucker)
( A manager is considered as a coach, a boss.

Culture is : ( a pattern of basic assumption (religion,…) ( invented, discovered or developed by a given group ( as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration ( that has worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore ( is to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive and feel in relation to problems
(Edgar Schein)

Culture is the collective programming of the mind (school,…), the software of the mind.

Culture is the way we do things here (Deal & Kennedy) ( DOING / BEING ( 4 levels: - personal level of culture (affinity,…) - national level of culture (national pride,…) - professional level of culture (academic, business,…) - corporate level of culture

3 “do” competencies are known as the ability to : ( develop as the international strategy (a future-oriented personality with a vision) ( act as a coach and coordinator across the borders (show authority and leadership) ( act as an intercultural mediator (show empathy, self confidence)

3 “be” competencies include: ( cognitive diversity (think ( integrate & differentiate) ( emotional energy (feel ( the ability to match ideas and feelings) ( psychological maturity (values such as curiosity, ethics and respect for the individual)


Progressive socialization concurrency during a person’s life:

Developing intercultural competence is the ability to reconcile seemingly opposing values (F. Trompenaars) with the 4 R’s : ( Recognise cultural differences (1) ( Respect cultural differences (2) ( Reconcile cultural differences (3) ( Realize and Root (4)

1) Developing cultural awareness (knowing who you are

en relation

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