International court of justice

4413 mots 18 pages

The “juridictionalization” always appeared as a crucial stage on the way of the institutionalization. There are centuries when the human society knew this wholesome evolution with the disappearance of the private justice and the progressive appearance of the first judicial institutions. In the frame interstate relations, such as governed by the public international law, the institution of a permanent international jurisdiction is recent matter, characteristic phenomenon of the xxe century, it seems bound to the first attempts of organization structured by the international society following the example of which she gets, in reference to the idealistic and generous run-ups which almost always follow upon the wars and dream then to build a new world dedicated to the peace and to the happiness of the men. After the First World war, it is naturally in the universal scale that was tried the first experience of “juridictionalization”, whereas established simultaneously the first organization with a real international vocation. Created in 19204 in application of the article 14 of Pact of League of Nations (LEAGUE OF NATIONS) in which it was so connected but of whom it was not organically a part, the Permanent Court of International justice ( GPJI) had to mark a first ranging-pole on the road of the institutionalization of the international society. As the main judicial organ of UNO, the ICJ has to contribute in purposes of the Organization and as such she has to work in favour of the preservation of the peace and the international safety. But in what extent does the ICJ can be competent when it comes to international matters between sovereign states? Does it detain the competence of its competence? And even more important, what are the limits, the critics emitted about the ICJ? The Charter created, from 1945, the first permanent jurisdiction in at once universal and general competence as judicial organ main head

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