La tour eiffel

386 mots 2 pages
The Eiffel Tower has become the symbol of France and its capital. This tower was built by Gustave Eiffel and his staff for the Universal Exhibition of 1889.Alexandre Gustave Bonnickausen or Gustave Eiffel was born in Dijon,on December the 15 of 1832 and died in Paris on December the 27 of 1923.
The Eiffel Tower was built in two years, two months and five days, from 1887 to 1889, with 250 workers, it was officially opened March 31, 1889. The Eiffel Tower has been a massive success and constant only from the 1960s with the growth of international tourism. It now hosts more than six million visitors each year. n February 1887, two weeks after the first blows of the pickaxe, some fifty artists (writers, painters, composers, architects, etc..) combine to disparage the "useless and monstrous Eiffel Tower" in an open letter which remains famous named as: the artists protest against Mr. Eiffel Tower.
We read in this letter phrases such as: * "this truly tragic street lamp" (Léon Bloy) * "this high and skinny pyramid of iron ladders, and giant ungainly skeleton, whose base appears to be made for a wonderful monument of Cyclops, and abortion in a ridiculous and thin profile factory chimney" (Guy de Maupassant ) * "a pipe factory building, a carcass waiting to be filled with stone or brick (Joris-Karl Huysmans).
In 1903, it was envisaged the demolition.
From 1910, the radio installed at the top emits signals to the world.
It lost its title of tallest building in the world in 1930: it was then overtaken by the Chrysler Building in New York (318.9 meters with antenna).
The Eiffel Tower has inspired countless artistic representations and has been the subject of many lavish illuminations. It has also attracted the envy of other countries that have built replicas of the famous monument.
The Eiffel Tower is listed as historical monuments.
It takes 60 tons of paint to repaint the Eiffel Tower and it has already been painted 18 times.The Eiffel Tower is

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