
338 mots 2 pages
Harry Potter, a young orphan, is raised by his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, who have always claimed that his parents had died when he was a year in a car accident. In the couple's home irascible, Harry is forced to sleep in a closet and was martyred by their son Dudley.

The day of his eleventh birthday, Harry receives a visit from a half-giant named Hagrid. This teaches him that magic exists and that a world of witches living in the margins and in ignorance of Muggles, people without magical powers. He also reveals that his parents were in fact powerful magicians and has inherited their powers. They did not die in an accident, but murdered by Lord Voldemort, the Dark Lord which no one dares utter the name, a very powerful dark wizard who had plunged the wizarding world into chaos. Voldemort tried to kill Harry that night with the spell of death, but fate had turned against him and he disappeared, making Harry the only survivor of the spell and the savior of the wizarding world, leaving a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. Harry learns that Hagrid's mouth was, unbeknownst to him, the biggest celebrity in the wizarding world since that night, that of her 1 year.

It is with joy that the boy agrees to attend classes at Hogwarts, the famous school of witchcraft. He finally has the chance to make friends. Blamed by the dark and enigmatic Professor Snape who taught him the potions and protected by Albus Dumbledore, the facility director, Harry will try to unravel the mystery of the Philosopher's Stone impretions: I loved this book because I love fantasy novels but this book is not just a fantasy novel. Indeed this book is full of intrigue, rebound and action. There are many details which will then solve the riddle. The character of Harry is endearing and it maintains the mystery because we do not know the connection between him and the famous killer

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