New-york : a global city

1804 mots 8 pages
New York: A Global City Intro: New York is world-wild famous, thanks to its economic center, fashion reputaion and along with its presence in our televison.
Now, happens a question, IS NEW YORK A GLOBAL CITY?
First of all, what is a global city?
A global city is a city with a worldwilde influence, espacially on the economic level but also on the political and culutual scale. To sum up, a global city is a key piece in the Big Globalization Puzzle. <span> </span>I] Economic influence The economy of New York City is the biggest regional economy in the United States and the second largest city economy in the world, after Tokyo. One of the main criteria of an economic influence is to host mutlinational corporation headquarters :
In this game, New York is definitly a good player !! Midtown Manhattan is the largest central business district in the world. Out of the 500 U.S. corporations with the largest revenues in 2009, 42 had headquarters in New York City and another 14 elsewhere in New York state.
For exemple we can ennumerate :
Chase, the bank
Pfizer, the Pharmaceuticals company
Abercrombie & Fitch
American Express
Philip Morris New York is also well-known because of its famous Stock Exchange !
Wall street is the world's largest stock exchange by market capitalization of its listed companies at US$12,25 trillion (12 250 000 000 000 000 000 ) in May 2010.
But there is also NASDAQ which is the largest electronic trading market and the 4th market capilatization in the world. The last economic influence criteria can be the number of billionaires in the city.
The Big Apple reclaims the top spot for having the most billionaires : 55 of them live in the town.

One of NY best economic asset is tourism, which has also a culutural aspect.
Let's talk about it.
<span> </span>II] Culutural influence
New york is the first touristic destination in the USA with

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