Oil shock

42223 mots 169 pages
Viewpoints Special Edition

The 1979 “Oil Shock:” Legacy, Lessons, and Lasting Reverberations
The Middle East Institute Washington, DC

Middle East Institute

The mission of the Middle East Institute is to promote knowledge of the Middle East in America and strengthen understanding of the United States by the people and governments of the region.
For more than 60 years, MEI has dealt with the momentous events in the Middle East — from the birth of the state of Israel to the invasion of Iraq. Today, MEI is a foremost authority on contemporary Middle East issues. It provides a vital forum for honest and open debate that attracts politicians, scholars, government officials, and policy experts from the US, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. MEI enjoys wide access to political and business leaders in countries throughout the region. Along with information exchanges, facilities for research, objective analysis, and thoughtful commentary, MEI’s programs and publications help counter simplistic notions about the Middle East and America. We are at the forefront of private sector public diplomacy. Viewpoints are another MEI service to audiences interested in learning more about the complexities of issues affecting the Middle East and US relations with the region. The views expressed in these Viewpoints are those of the authors; the Middle East Institute does not take positions on Middle East policy.

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Cover photos, clockwise from the top left hand corner: United States Government (USG), USG, USG, Wikipedia user Guitar guy, USG, USG, and USG. 2 Middle East Institute Viewpoints: The 1979 “Oil Shock:” Legacy, Lessons, and Lasting Reverberations • www.mei.edu

Viewpoints Special Edition

The 1979 “Oil Shock:” Legacy, Lessons, and Lasting Reverberations

Middle East Institute Viewpoints: The 1979 “Oil Shock:” Legacy, Lessons, and Lasting Reverberations • www.mei.edu


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