
1544 mots 7 pages
Iraq Crisis


First of all I’m gonna tell you why I chose to talk about this topic. Basically I wanted to deal with a subject in my presentation that’d be able to bring out the interest of all of you. Moreover I wanted a current subject that was polemical enough to be able to discuss and to debate. That’s why I’m gonna talk about Iraq Crisis. Obviously this topic is pretty vast to be able to talk about the whole problem.
So I’m gonna make a description of the facts chronologically with an analysis of them, and eventually we’re gonna see the different opinions and the tensions that provokes this crisis.


Little introduction of the chronological aspect

The first Gulf War, led by the current American President’s father George Bush, ended up with the victory of the United States, but also with the dictator Saddam Hussein remaining at the head of Iraq, for the American didn’t wanna destabilize the different force relations in this part of the World.
The attack on September 11th 2001, awakened the fears of terrorist acts because of the Iraqi tyrant’s upholding. From the next day after the attack, Bush junior defined the Axis of Evil, embodied by Saddam Hussein. With that event, Iraq crisis has just begun.

1. Description of the facts

Since the attack, George W. Bush has endeavored to concentrate his assaults on Iraq giving a possible discovery of weapons of mass destruction as a pretext, despite the rising power of another country that is North Korea that owns for sure this kind of weapons. In order to be able to establish his legitimacy and to act with the support of the public opinion, the American president wished since the beginning to obtain the backing of the UN. George Bush certainly expecting the refusal of Baghdad for the inspectors’ return whose work was to determine the offensive capacity of Iraq and the destruction of weapons of mass destruction, the war was to take place quickly.
Yet on September 16th 2002, Saddam

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