Profession de foi du vicaire savoyard

290 mots 2 pages
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Synthèse des textes suivants : « God vs Darwin » et « Matters of Morality »

These two texts deal with the terms of the scientific research.

The first text presents the debate between religion and scientist of the creation of Human. The text highlights the fact the majority of Americans believes in God, and think that he created Man.

The theory of scientist is completely different: they affirm that men descended from their ancestor were an animal and so on. It’s the Darwin’s theory.

Both want to spread their ideas to the whole population. Religious want to teach their thesis at school, but they can’t: the first amendment of the constitution bans it. But they are trying to change it, with a new bill. Religious are against the scientist, they create a new hypothesis: the Intelligent Design. This theory emphasizes the complexity of the human body, notably his organs. So the person who creates it would be very intelligent: God. Moreover religious have even set up a center with a big budget to fight against Darwin's theory and to check the real theory: the Discovery Institute.

George W Bush, the President wants this new theory would be tought but scientist are strongly opposed, and nothing on the creation of the world is teaching now in school. In the second text, Bush uses the sample of stem cells harvested from human embryos. He is against this research because he wants to remember the fact that research has to respect humans. The text reminds the danger of the research, for instance the eugenic and the consequences of ideology Nazi. It prevents the reader of the complexity of the research, and the necessity of the respect of these conditions.


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