
277 mots 2 pages
Exposé de section européenne

I- Biography of Pythagoras

Pythagoras was born on five hundred sixty-nine years before Christ and was died on four hundred seventy-five years before Christ.
His slogan was everything is numbers.
He was an astronomer, a philosopher, a musicologist and a mathematician, and was a Thales’s student.
He travelled a lot in particular in Egypt and in Babylon.
When he was forty, he decided to come back in Samos, his hometown, where he built a school after his name where he taught all he know in mathematics and in philosophy.

II-Contributions of Pythagoras

Pythagoras has revolutionized the music world with his theorem about the stringed instruments and he has discovered the laws of the harmonious.
He has also discovered a theorem which allows calculating of a length of a right-angled triangle as well. This theorem is:
In a right angled triangle: the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

This theorem was called by an original name: the Pythagoras theorem.

III- Anecdote of Pythagoras

Pythagoras harbored many unusual beliefs. Seeing a puppy being beaten one day, for example, he implored its owner to desist: "It is the soul of a friend," he claimed, "which I recognized when I heard it crying out.
Pythagoras, however, did not always extend such courtesies to human beings. On one occasion, for example, he became upset when a student, Hippasus, correctly concluded that the square root of 2 was an irrational number .Pythagoras, which found the notion of irrationals philosophically abhorrent and denied their existence, promptly sentenced Hippasus to death by

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