Réaliser un commentaire de texte en anglais

4216 mots 17 pages

Introduction :

D'où ce passage est-il tiré ?

This extract is taken frome X's well-known novel which was published in ...
This passage belongs to …

Soit on peut le mettre en relation : social, political background
Ou au contraire le lire tel quel : the passage can be studied as a self-contained unit.

De quel type de passage s'agit-il ?

This passage is … : descriptive polemical dialectic sociological controversial explanatory anecdotal poetic imaginative autobiographical didactic Faire un bref résumé du texte en montrant quel est l'intérêt du passage. Résumez en 1 ou 2 phrases sans commenter.

This passage deals (almost) exclusively with …
This passage seems to be telling us about …
The passage describes an incident that occurs during …
The passage is a detailed account of …
The point in question in the passage is …
The main idea of the passage is …

Parfois, l'idée est énoncée dans la première phrase ou le premier paragraphe :

The subject of the passage as stated in the first sentence (paragraph) is …
Opinions differ about X but if we are to believe the autor...
According to the writer …

On peut commencer par un mot clé :

We must start with a clear definition of the word X...
The very title (the very word « X ») calls for a definition.
We must make it clear from the start what the writer means by …

Plan :

There are X parts in the passage corresponding to the different stages of the author's argument...
Several parts stand out in the passage...
The passage starts with a description, it then concentrates on...; next it moves to... before coming back to...
After a short introductory passage in which the writer supplies us with all the necessary indications, he proceeds to give us...

Le passage peut être construit sur un contraste :

The whole pasage is built on a contrast between … and …; this opposition is obvious in the presentation …

Il est possible qu'il n'y ait pas de plan évident :

en relation

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