
399 mots 2 pages
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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"Rousseau" redirects here. For other uses, see Rousseau (disambiguation).
|Jean-Jacques Rousseau |
|[pic] |
|Rousseau in 1753, by Maurice Quentin de La Tour |
|Born |28 June 1712(1712-06-28) |
| |Geneva, Republic of Geneva |
|Died |2 July 1778 (aged 66) |
| |Ermenonville, Kingdom of France |
|Era |18th century philosophy |
| |(Modern Philosophy) |
|Region |Western Philosophers |
|School |Social contract theory |
| |Romanticism |
|Main interests |Political philosophy, music, education, literature, |
| |autobiography |
|Notable ideas |General will, amour-propre, moral simplicity of humanity, |
| |child-centered learning, civil religion, popular sovereignty, |
| |positive liberty |
|Influenced by[show] |
|Aristotle, Niccolò Machiavelli, Michel De Montaigne, Hugo Grotius, Samuel von |
|Pufendorf, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean Barbeyrac, Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui,|
|Denis Diderot |
|Influenced[show] |
|Kant, The French Revolution,

en relation

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