San fransisco (anglais)

492 mots 2 pages
San Francisco


San Francisco is located on the west coast of the U.S. at the tip of the San Francisco Peninsula. It is the fourth most populous city in California. There are about 744 041 inhabitants in the City. The main sybols of the town are : the island of Alcatraz and the very famous bridge called Golden gate.


San Francisco's climate is characteristic of California’s Mediterranean climate. During the winter, the weather is quite cold and rainy. But there is no snow in California. During the summer, the weather is nice but there is often fog in the town.
The hotest month are September and October and the coldest months are December and January. So, the seasons are not inversed.
Today, San Francisco is a popular international tourist destination. It is the main economic activity of the city. But the city is also a technologic city : many compagnys are located in Silicon Valley.
There are many famous monument in San Francisco :
_ Golden Gate Bridge : It is the most famous bridge of the USA. The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate. This bridge measure 1280 meters. It is the longest suspension bridge in the world !
_ Bay Bridge : It is another famous bridge in San Francisco, his length is about 7000 meters.
_ Golden Gate Park : There are a lot of parks in San Francisco : the most famous is Golden Gate park. It is a quiet and relaxing place. People go there to run, to read or to practise different sports. It is taller than Central Park in New York.
_ Alcatraz : Alcatraz Island is an island located in the San Francisco Bay. This place was a prison but today, the island is a historic site.
_ Silicon Valley : Thousands of high technologie companies are headquartered in Silicon Valley. There is Apple, Ebay, Google or intel


San Francisco is a multicultural city : there is a lot of typical Neighborhood like Chinatown(China), Japantown (Japan).
There is also a French

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