Taiwan honduras

1385 mots 6 pages
Central America And Taiwan
Taiwan’s diplomatic recognition through the world is a big issue of the 21st century, mainly caused by the economic ties that the 4/5 of the world doesn’t want to lose with China. And if the Big brother has been for a long time trying to force his skinny neighbor to get back into the rank, it seems that the new start they try to give to their political relations, leaded by new economical agreement (The Economic Co-operation Framework Agreement) is influencing the rest of the global community and more precisely the last states who recognized Taiwan as a Country.
In this subject I wanted to give a global approach of the relations between Central American countries ,“historically” allied to Taipei, and , and more precisely the Honduras( who is among the 23 countries that officially recognize Taipei over Beijing ) and the Republic of China.
That means Honduras maintains official relations with the Republic of China (Taiwan) instead of the People’ s republic of China (China)
The Currently, the countries who maintain formal diplomatic relations with the ROC are: * Belize (1989) * Burkina Faso (1994) * Dominican Republic (1957) * El Salvador (1961) * Gambia (1995) * Guatemala (1960) * Haiti (1956) * Honduras (1965) * Kiribati (2003) * Marshall Islands (1998) * Nauru (1980–2002, 2005) * Nicaragua (1990) | * Palau (1999) * Panama (1954) * Paraguay (1957) * Saint Kitts and Nevis (1983) * Saint Lucia (1984–1997, 2007) * Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1981) * São Tomé and Príncipe (1997) * Solomon Islands (1983) * Swaziland (1968) * Tuvalu (1979) * Vatican City (Th |
During the past few years, Latin America was the main battleground over state-to-state representation between Taiwan and China, Beijing foreign policy in Latin America is first to develop economic advantages, but those cooperations, rallied a lot of Carribean countries to swift their diplomatic relations

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