The caffeine

572 mots 3 pages
The caffeine, natural or additive, is present in multiple products like the coffee, the tea, the coca-cola, the energy beverage, the chocolate and even certain drugs. The presence of caffeine in our life ask us questions, to know how many caffeine is excessive for the middle consummator and what effects can the caffeine have on us? The caffeine is a natural ingredient, which is present in the leaves, the seeds and the fuits of a certain number of plants, whose the coffee, the tea, the cacao and others products. It's also made and used like food additive in certain beverages and in pharmaceutic products like the medicines against the cold and the analgesic. the effects are multiple and they are more negative effects than positive.
It's very difficult to do a link between the quantity of consume caffeine and the exact effects on our Heath. Because The acceptance of the caffeine is different of people to another. However, certain person are more sensible of the caffeine than another. For this person, a little bit of caffeine could cause the insomnia, the headaches, the irritability and the stress.
For a long time, a few researches of the caffeine and their ossicle effects on human healthy has be made especially in certain areas like, the effect our Heath, the effect on our behavior, a possible link with the cancer and the effects on the reproduction. the cafeine is a stimulant product. The effects are enough fatal for our health. It stimulates our heart and our blood circulation and our respiratory system. Our blood pressure raise. It's better to reduce or stop the consumption in case of racing because it may cause an cardiac arrhythmia. Morever, certain researches number show that the caffeine consumption is associated to high rate of cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood. Consequently, a research on the utilization of decaffeine coffee raise the risk of heart attack. About the cancer, researches have be done and have shown that the cancer will be able to

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