
886 mots 4 pages

1. Complete the map of Australia.
23456 7810911 12 8 | Canberra | 7 | New South Wales | 3 | Coral Sea | 1 | Northern Territory | 4 | Great Barrier Reef | 5 | Queensland | 2 | Indian Ocean | 11 | Tasmania | 6 | Western Australia | 9 | South Australia | 10 | Victoria | 12 | Tasman Sea |
- Australia is composed of six states and three territories.
- What is the capital city of Australia? The capital city of Australia is Canberra…………………………..……………………….
- Which are the largest cities? Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane are the largest city in Australia

- How many people are there in Australia?
Australia has a population about 20 million people What is the nickname of Australia? Why? L'Australie est appelé la terre dessous, car il est en dessous de l'équateur
2. The Australian flag.

- Why is there the British flag on the upper left corner? 
L'Union Jack britannique représente les liens de l'Australie à la Grande-Bretagne
- What do the 5 stars represent? Why? 
C’est la constellation de la croix du sud la Croix du Sud est une constellation de navigation majeure dans l'hémisphère sud
- What does the Commonwealth star symbolize? 
Commonwealth Star (aussi appelé l'Étoile de la Fédération) - il est le symbole de l'état d'origine de l'Australie.
3. What is the currency in Australia?
In France, we pay in euros; In Australia, they pay in Australian dollar

4. Government in Australia.
- Who is the « Head of State » of Australia?

The head of state of Australia is Élisabeth II

- Who represents her when she is not here?
The Queen lives in England, not Australia. The Governor General does the job for her when she is not here.

Who runs the country ? Who is the Head of the Government ? The head of government of each state is the Prime Minister 6. The Aborigines. Page 1 - Page 2
- Who are they ?

en relation

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