Wine in aquitaine

964 mots 4 pages
Introduction :

As you all know, Aquitaine is nowadays considered as one of the best place to visit when it comes to gastronomy and wine. Located in the south west of France, the region welcomes a lot of tourists every year. Indeed, they’re coming from all over the world to discover these particular aspects. Malvina is now going to tell you about the food in our region. And then I’ll talk to you about the wine industry.

A) Particular introduction

The wine of Bordeaux is known all over the world. It owes its reputation to the particularly high quality of all the productions, from the everyday table wines to the most prestigious ones. Indeed, the region of Aquitaine is the most important region in France, and even in the world, when it comes to quality wines.

B) The vineyard of Aquitaine. History, Climate and Composition.
The history of wine production in Bordeaux seems to have begun around 48 a.d in Saint-Emilion where the Romans started to cultivate wine for soldiers and so established vineyards. It wasn’t very popular until the 12th century, when Henry Plantagenet married Aliénor d’Aquitaine. As the popularity of Bordeaux wine increased, the vineyards expanded to accommodate the demands from abroad. In 1725, the spread of vineyards throughout Bordeaux was so vast that it was divided into specific areas so that the consumer could tell exactly where each wine was from. The collection of districts was known as the Vignoble de Bordeaux, and bottles were labeled with both the region and the area they came from.
The region of Bordeaux is the second largest wine-growing area in the world after the region of Languedoc. Located in the south west of France, there is more vineyard land planted than in all Germany. The major reason for the success of winemaking in the region is the excellent environment for growing vines. The region of Bordeaux enlarges about 80 kilometers around the capital, on the biggest estuary of Europe. It is

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