Alice in wonderland

1286 mots 6 pages

1. In what ways can the Caucus-Race be interpreted as satiric? This race, as Carroll portrays it, is intended to satirize politics.

The course is circular so that the participants are actually running in circles, covering the same ground, and obviously, getting nowhere. In the end, everyone receives a prize. Carroll is making fun of political races, which the politicians congratulate each other and are rewarded for participating in what some may view as a pointless race. No one has actually won the race and they all get worthless prizes. In politics, however, the winners receive power.

2. Why is the poem on page 24 an example of pattern or figurative verse?
The poem is about the mouse’s tale and the words are arranged in the shape of a mouse’s tail.

3. Alice has either offended or frightened every creature she has met since her arrival.
What does this reveal about Alice’s opinion of herself?

Alice feels very awkward, both in size and in the situations she encounters in Wonderland. and does not feel as though she fi ts in with anyone. (There may be other correct answers to this question)


1. Why does Alice drink the potion at the White Rabbit’s house?

There are many possible answers to this question. For example:
• She was curious.
• She was tired of being small and wanted to grow again.
• It is simply a plot device to move the story forward.

2. Why is it signifi cant that Alice grows too large when she drinks the potion? How does this relate to Alice’s outlook on the future when she associates growing up with becoming an old woman and staying young with always having lessons to do?

Each time she changes sizes, Alice is either much too large or much too small. Both in terms of her size and in terms of her age, she sees only extremes. She feels constricted by the strict social etiquette of the time and thinks that she has to chose between acting like an old woman or a schoolgirl.

3. How does Alice

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