Analyse how the state can intervene to promote entrepreneurship

3594 mots 15 pages
Comparative entrepreneurship

Analyze how the state can intervene to promote entrepreneurship in different countries.

France & Brazil

Charles Dutertre

Entrepreneurship is a major component of the economic health of a country, so the state must play a role in its promotion and must make every effort to develop it. It will compare how the state can intervene to promote entrepreneurship in different countries. I chose to compare France and Brazil. France from where I come, it is a country that is currently experiencing the crisis and whose growth is slowing. Unlike Brazil who currently is experiencing a strong period of growth. This country will welcome the next football world cup in 2014 and the Olympic games in 2016. And those events like everybody know are factors of economic growth and developing. Also, in Brazil, 96% of employment is provided by SMEs, so the study of entrepreneurship in this country looks like very interesting. First I will define the subject, then I will present the countries and finally I will compare measures for promote entrepreneurship in these two countries.

I. Definition of the topic

Before work on this topic itʼs important to define the scope of the study. First I will try to define the word entrepreneurship, and then I will see why the states have to promote entrepreneurship and finally how the state could promote entrepreneurship.

Itʼs hard to find a universal definition of entrepreneurship. There is a lot of vision of this subject. Many authors have different approaches of

entrepreneurship. For Say an entrepreneur is someone who organizes factors of production, like Cantillon. For Kirzner, the entrepreneur recognized market opportunities. For Schumpeter, entrepreneurship creates disequilibrium in the market. Schumpeter talks about “the gale of creative destruction” (Schumpeter, Joseph A. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, 1942), it mean that creation contribute to destroy established technologies. A new

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