Comportement du consommateur

358 mots 2 pages
Assignment Cover Sheet
PART A – To be kept attached to coursework Student Name | | Module Title | | Module Code | | | | | |

Student Number | | Tutorial Group No | | Taught by (Tutors Name) | | | | | |

Course | | Assignment Title | | | |

Unless you have been notified otherwise, this coursework must be submitted electronically through turnitin by 15:00 hrs on the given hand-in date.You can copy and paste this coversheet into your assignment as the first page.You are advised to keep a copy of all your assignments for personal reference. | | Word Count | | | | | | | | | | Date Submitted | | | | | | | | | | Date Due | | | | | | | |

I confirm that this assignment is wholly my own work unless otherwise clarified and that I have read and understood the regulations in the context of academic misconduct. (please tick box) | | | Signed: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |

Please ensure you complete both section of the form and attach it all to the front of your work
PART B – To be kept in the Department Student Name | | Student Number | | Course | | | | | |

Module Title | | Tutor’s Name | | | | | | | | Assignment Title | | Module Code | | | | | | | | Date Submitted | | Date Due | | Word Count | | Tutorial Group No | | | | | | | | | | | |

Students are reminded of University Regulations for its awards. In the context of hand-in deadlines for assessed coursework, Regulation E1.5 (Sept 09) states that if a student fails to submit assessed work by the agreed submission date (after allowing for any extensions that might have been granted), the Course Assessment Board will record a mark of zero, leading to failure in the assignment, unless the Board is satisfied that there are good grounds for treating the student differently. E1.6 focuses on extenuating

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