La peste

1095 mots 5 pages

Notions de Base n° 5

A EXEMPLE He is working {at the moment.1 {on Saturday.2 They work every Saturday.1 Water boils at 100°C.2 Cantona passes the ball to his team-mate who scores a goal.3 He worked last Saturday.1 He went to London two weeks ago1. I wish I worked with my hands.2 She was working at the age of 16.1 My parents were working in a factory when the war started.2 I’m very tired. I have {worked a lot. {written ten letters.1 London has hosted the Olympic Games.2 I’m very tired. I have been working since 8 o’clock. She had worked all week because she wanted to rest at the weekend.1 She had written ten letters when her boss arrived.2 I had been working on the computer all morning when it broke down. People will work less and less during the next century.1 Water will boil at 100°C.2 We’ll leave as soon as John returns from work.3 TEMPS present progressive présent progressif present simple présent simple CONSTRUCTION Aux BE (au présent) + Verbe-ING • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J K At five o’clock tomorrow evening I will be working. Next weekend, I will have finished my report. future progressive futur progressif future perfect futur antérieur Aux de modalité WILL + BE + Verbe-ING Aux de modalité WILL + HAVE + participe passé • • UTILISATION Action en cours, en train de se faire.1 Action d’une durée limitée.1 Futur perçu comme certain.2 Action habituelle, répétée1 Généralité, verité générale2 Action soudaine dans une suite d’actions (dans les phrases du style commentaire)3 Action passée datée terminée.1 Actions irréelles, imaginées après IF de condition ou des constructions telles que “I wish...” (prétérit modal).2 Action en cours à un moment précis du passé.1 Action en cours dans le passé interrompue par une autre action (au prétérit simple).2 Action passée sans date ou dont on peut voir le résultat.1 Action passée sans date qui est susceptible de se reproduire.2

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