Les conséquences de la marchandisation

6833 mots 28 pages
Aziz L.
, Elharousse L.
, Mormont M.
, Bellefontaine R.
, Allali K.
. et Elamarani M.
1 - Ecole Nationale d’Agriculture de Meknès, BP. S/ 40, 50000 Meknès, Maroc
Email : aziz.larbi@yahoo.fr
2 - Ecole Nationale d’Agriculture de Meknès, BP. S/ 40, 50000 Meknès, Maroc
3 - Université de Liège, Campus d’Arlon, 185 Avenue de Longwy, 6700 Arlon, Bélgique.
4 - CIRAD, UMR AGAP, F-34398 Montpellier, France.
Multipurpose tree, the argan tree is also multifunction: economic, social and environmental. It was, and it is still, an important element of the local agrarian system and participates in the preservation of a particular biodiversity. As it always configured and gave rhythm to the life of the populations of the Argan woodland because it was (or one of its products) always present in their culinary, festive or sociocultural activities. However, the boom of the price of the argan oil engendered multiple consequences on the socioeconomic and cultural life of these populations. In fact, the marchandisation of the argan oil had at once (at the same time) positive effects and negative effects on all the ecosystem. To understand and analyze these evolutions and the new local dynamics which implement there, we realized a study in the zone of Haha, region of Essaouira, by taking as case studies both rural districts of Aguerd and Tidzi.
What allowed us, besides the historic analysis, to compare the dynamics which are in progress at the level of these two rural districts.
The consequences of the marchandisation of the argan tree on the socioeconomic and cultural life at haha253
Actes du Premier Congrès International de l’ Arganier, Agadir 15 - 17 Décembre 2011 Actes du Premier Congrès International de l’ Arganier, Agadir 15 - 17 Décembre 2011
L’arganeraie est un écosystème complexe dans lequel la faune et la flore vivent en inter-dépendance, ce qui lui confère beaucoup de stabilité. Cet

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