London's etnhnic population

2719 mots 11 pages
The ethnic population of London

An article of the BBC, published on July 2010, stated “UK's ethnic minority numbers 'to rise to 20% by 2051”. Actually, it is said that the proportion of black, Asian and other ethnic minorities will rise from 8% of the population, as recorded in the 2001 census, to 20% by 2051. The Leeds study suggested the population is also set to become more racially diverse as well as less segregated over the coming years. The study, based on computer modeling, suggested white British and Irish populations would grow slowly while the "other white" ethnic group would be extremely fast growing. This was because of expected high levels of immigration from Europe, Australasia and the US. In October, the Office for National Statistics predicted the ethnic population would exceed 70 million by 2029.
As far as ethnicity is concerned, the case of London is very interesting since London is considered as the most racially diverse UK city. So in order to deeply tackle the issue of London ethnicity, I would first analyze the composition and repartition of London’s ethnic population thanks to the 2001 census and some official estimation. Then I would consider how British people see those ethnic minorities: are they integrated or not? Is there any kind of racism? 1. Composition of London’s ethnic population
•What is an ethnic minority?
Speaking of an ethnic population is impossible without explaining what the word “ethnic” really means. In fact, it concerns what is related to a population subgroup (within a larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a common national or cultural tradition. Most of the time, they turn out to be called “ethnic minorities”. Here, in the case of London, the ethnic minorities are described as “non-whites”.
Official ethnic classifications: The current official classification – used in the census and in many of the official datasets used in this research – is based on the following 16-way division: White,

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