Yigal bin-nun new publications

1010 mots 5 pages
Yigal Bin-Nun - New Publications (English)

Yigal Bin-Nun, “The contribution of World Jewish Organizations to the Establishment of Rights for Jews in Morocco (1956-1961)”, Journal of Jewish Modern Studies 9:2, Oxford 2010, p. 251-274.
Yigal Bin-Nun, “Les Juifs espagnols et l’origine des Juifs du Maroc ”, Brit 29, Ashdod 2010, (heb.), p. 17-20 ; 46-47
Yigal Bin-Nun, “Jo Golan - Un destin marocain ”, Brit 29 Ashdod 2010, (heb.), p. 78-85.
Yigal Bin-Nun, “The Controversy Within the Morrocan Press over the Emigration Rights of Jews 1965-1955”, Kesher, Journal of Media and Communications History in Israel and Jewish World, n°40, Tel Aviv University, spring 2010, (heb.) p. 86-101 Yigal Bin-Nun, "Three interviews of Joe Golan with Mohammed V”, Brit n° 28, A. Knafo, ed., Ashdod, Summer 2009, (heb.), p. 87-80.
Yigal Bin-Nun, "Homage to Sam Avital", Brit n° 28, A. Knafo, ed., Ashdod, Summer 2009, (heb.), p. 79-77.
Yigal Bin-Nun, “La négociation de l'évacuation en masse des Juifs du Maroc”, in La fin du Judaïsme en terres d'Islam, dir. Sh. Trigano, Denoël Médiations, Paris 2009, p. 303-358.
Yigal Bin-Nun, "The Israeli Press Campaign Against Morocco After the Sinking of the Ship "Egoz" in January 1961", Kesher, Journal of Media and Communications History in Israel and Jewish World, n°38, Tel Aviv University Spring 2009, (heb.), p. 65-55.
Yigal Bin-Nun, "On the Earliest Sources of the Mimuna", Peamim Studies in Oriental Jewry 117, Ben Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East, Jerusalem, (heb.), p. 141-166.
Yigal Bin-Nun, "The United Kingdom of Israel and Judah as a novel aspect of propaganda," HaQeshet haHadasha 23, ed. Aharon Amir, Tel Aviv, Spring 2008, (heb.), p. 102 -108.
Yigal Bin-Nun, Chouraqui diplomate, Débuts des relations secrètes entre le Maroc et Israël “, Perspectives 12, Revue de l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem, ed. Fernande Bartfeld, Editions Magnes 2008, p. 169-204.
Yigal Bin-Nun, “A new approach to the problem of selection

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