American history

1073 mots 5 pages
INTRODUCTION – American History from 1450 to 1775: A Bief, Thematic Overview

1450 Native American subsistence economy. Europeans fish off North American coasts.

Sporadic warfare among Indian peoples. Spanish conquest of Mexico (1519-1521).

Rise monarchical nation-states Europe.

of Protestant Reformation in begins (1517).

Diverse Native American cultures in eastern Woodlands.

1600 First staple Englishcrops: furs and Indian tobacco. warfare. African servitude begins in Virginia.

James I rules by « divine right » in England. Virginia House of Burgesses (1619).

Persecuted Puritans English implant Puritans and Calvinism, Catholics education, and migrate to freehold ideal. America.

1640 New England trade with sugar islands. Mercantilist regulations: first Navigation Act (1651).

White indentured servitude in the Chesapeake. Indians retreat inland.

Puritan Revolution. Stuart restoration (1660). Bacon’s Rebellion (1675).

Established churches in Virginia and Massachusetts. Roger Williams creates religious liberty in Rhode Island.

Aristocratic aspirations in the Chesapeake.

1680 Tobacco trade stagnates. Rice cultivation expands.

Indian slavery in the Carolinas. Ethnic rebellion in New York (1689).

Dominion of New England (16861689). Glorious Revolution (1688-1689).

Religious freedom in Quaker Pennsylvania.

Emergence of African American language and culture.


1720 Mature agricultural economy in North. Imports from Britain increase.

Scots-Irish and German migration. Growing rural inequality.

Rise of the representative assembly. Challenge to « deferential » politics.

German and Scots-Irish Pietists in midAtlantic region. Great Awakening.

Emergence of regional cultures. Franklin and the American Enlightenment

1760 Trade boycotts encourage domestic manufacturing

Uprisings by tenants and backcountry farmers. Artisan protests.

Ideas of popular sovereignty.

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