La vérité au théatre

434 mots 2 pages
Boston tea Party

Since The promulgation of the Stamp Act (1765 ) and the townshend acts (1767) Great Britain could tax her thirteen colonies. This decision has been disapprouved by the american citizens.At this time Great Britan had a lot of economic problems. So the King George III decided to raise the commercial taxes although the colonies were againts this choice. The tea was, one of the product with the most expensive taxes. In 1773 a compagny called East India Company, had important debts and too much tea to sell. Then the gouvernement wrote a "Tea Act" which could authorized to sell tea without taxes in order to decrease the tea price. American people refused this decision. So the English boats were forbidden to land in American harbours/

So on Monday, the 29th of November, 1773, a handbill was posted all over Boston with the word: " Friends! Brethen! Countrymen! That worst of plagues, the detested tea, shipped for this port by the East India Company, is now arrived in the harbor; the hour of destruction, or manly opposition to the machinations of tyranny, stares you in the face. Every friend to his country, to himself and to posterity, is now called upon to meet at Faneuil Hall, at nine o'clock THIS DAY, to make united and successful resistance to this last, worst, and most destructive measure of administration."

This handbill was against a Boat from London which called the Dartmouth. This Boat was supposed to carry a cargo of tea. By the invitation of thé Committee of Correspondence of Rowbury, Cambridge, Dorchester and Brookline They decided with some of the citizens by unanimes vote, to use théier joint influence to prevent the landing of the tea. They decided to co-operate with some nearby cities.
The citizens resolved that the tea should not be landed; that no duty should be paid; and that it should be sent bac. They also voted that Francis Rotch, the owner of the boat, shouldn't try to enter the tea in the harbor. Twenty citizens were

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