Anglais, description voc riche

286 mots 2 pages
This picture is a cartoon about the lifestyle of the Australian Aborigines nowadays. In the foreground, we can see a few Aborigines wearing Western clothes who are standing up or sitting on cans. The woman is cooking a meal in a sort of barbecue style. It does not look like a traditional way of cooking but like a copy of the Western way of cooking. Indeed, there are a saucepan and chunks of meat cooking on a rudimentary installation made of red bricks piled up and burning branches below them. We can notice the two dogs running towards a white guy who is leaning against a car, saying “Why can't you all be like Cathy Freeman”; Cathy Freeman is an Australian Aboriginal sprinter who won the 400m race in the 2000 Sydney Olympic games. In the middle, three children are playing with an oval ball that may be a rugby ball, because the Australian rugby team is one of the best in the world. Two of them have neither shoes nor T-shirts, just shorts. Furthermore, there are a few broken-down houses in the background which seem really uncomfortable and fragile, and two women in front of them who are probably doing the washing. This cartoon presents information which words cannot really capture. It conveys a sense of poverty in the underdeveloped society of Aborigines. The fat, white guy is a caricature of Western society. Actually, fat people are sometimes opposed to poor people because they have enough money to buy food. The picture reminds us of the dreadful situation of Aborigines, but also of the attitude of white people - towards the Aborigines - who think that every Aborigine can be like Cathy

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