
1161 mots 5 pages
The counter culture

Definition :

A counterculture is a subculture whose values and norms of behavior differ substantially from those of mainstream society, often in opposition to mainstream cultural mores.
The conter culture includes heroes representing these movements as Robert Crumb.

Robert Crumb :

Robert Crumb and R. Crumb, is an American cartoonist and musician of the counter culture in the 1960's : The culture undergroung.
With Crumb, it's the art of the counterculture that made into the circuits of culture official. It's a legetimate recognition for a major artist and a treat for fans.

In 1967, after the infantilizing " comics " US Marvel collections and other by- products of US culture dedicated to the " superhero " Robert CRUMB , with the help of some other artists eager to break the codes of a fully press under the influence of values and the glorification of American power goes out, emerged as a real thunderbolt , the first " COMIX " of underground culture : ZAP , which will be followed by many others.

Underground , because it is self-produced comic books as fanzines or edited as part of the small press , in the 1960s and the first part of the 1970s, associated with underground culture , to beat generation and the hippie movement.
Robert Crumb is a heroes of this conterculture : the culture underground.

Pour ceux qui ne connaitraient pas encore le créateur de "Fritz the cat", de "Mister Natural", de "Mister Snoid", de "Belle d'un jour" et autres affriolantes et plantureuses vestales , objets de tous les fantasmes sexuels, des pochettes légendaires des disques de blues et de rock, jusqu'à sa récente "Genèse" en images, l'occasion est unique, de découvrir le génial et unique auteur subversif, qui a dynamité la puritaine culture US depuis les années 60...
C'est en 1967, qu'en réplique aux abêtissants et infantilisants "comics" US des collections Marvel et autres sous-produits d'une culture US vouée aux "super-héros", quand ce

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