
1277 mots 6 pages
When Nelson Mandela became president of post-apartheid South Africa in 1994, he promised he would build a nation where people of different races could live together in peace and harmony.
The racial bloodbath (bain de sang) feared by many had been averted.
"The time for the healing (guérison) of the wounds (bléssure) has come," Mr Mandela, who has now turned 90, said at the time.
"We enter into a covenant (alliance) that we shall build the society in which all South Africans, both black and white - will be able to walk tall. A Rainbow Nation at peace with itself and the world."
His words ushered (guider) in a collective reverie as white South Africans discovered their common identity as Africans.
Those who were not white looked forward to the opportunity of earning a decent living and educating their children.
Although there was recognition (approbation) that it would be hard to reverse apartheid's legacy, there was a general feeling that - with Nelson Mandela at the helm - the country would pull through. (changed ?)
A Truth and Reconciliation Commission was set up to lay bare (concevoir le vide) the horror of the past and put it to rest.
But not everyone noticed that this rosy view relied on the goodwill of the very poorest South Africans who were expected to forgive and forget - even though there were reminders everywhere that this new South Africa did not necessarily include them.
Any talk of the differences between black and white lifestyles, attitudes or expectations was shouted down - no-one wanted to wake from the dream.

Quand Nelson Mandela est devenu président après l’apartheid en Afrique du Sud en 1994 , il a promis qu’il construirait une nation ou des gens de différentes « races » pourrait vivre ensemble dans la paix et l’harmonie.
Le bain de sang racial faisait peur a beaucoup de gens qui avaient été averti. « Le temps de la guérison des blessures est venu » Mr Mandela qui a maintenant environ 90 ans a dit cela. « Nous entrons dans une

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