
1084 mots 5 pages

Commentary A Lesson Before Dying, chapter 27, p 214-218

In this chapter, Reverend Ambrose goes to Tante Lou's house to speak to Grant. Reverend Ambrose wants Grant to help him to make Jefferson believe in God and heaven. As Grant doesn't believe in an afterlife, he refuses to lie antother time to Jefferson making in believe in something he doesn't believe himself. As Grant doesn't agree to help Ambrose to save Jefferson soul, the two men begin to debate the merits of religion versus education. With is debate, Ambrose hope that Grant will change is mind and will use is influence to make Jefferson believe in God. We are going to see firstly Grant's inferiority and that the Reverend Ambrose feels superior to him, secondly the difference of the education meaning, and firstly the lie.

In this chapter, we can see that Grant who use to feel superior to his community is a little inferior to Reverend Ambrose. In fact, we can see that Grant is very respectuous with Ambrose, maybe so much, when Ambrose speaks to him, Grant use brief answers without being disrepectful. When Ambrose asks to him if he's educated, Grant answers only that he went to college, he doesn't say that he's educated or not. When Ambrose tells him that he's not educated, even if he went to college and learnt how to teach reading, writing and arithmetic, Grant stays calm telling that the Reverend is doing the talking. More, provocating Grant, Reverend Ambrose calls him 'boy' but Grant just answer, 'My name is Grant'. Moreover, we can see in this passage Reverend Ambrose feeling superior to Grant, we can see that for example when he says that Grant is not educated even if he went to college, Ambrose tells ' I'm the one that's educated [...] I'm the one that's educated. ' Ambrose also says that he will call Grant by his name ' when he will act educated ', ' when he will act like a man '. But there's a contracdiction,

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