Canadian art

773 mots 4 pages
A picture is worth a thousand words. Did you ever hear this popular sentence? I guess you probably did. However, did you ever find a picture that you could really say it without sounding fake and superficial? I guess you would hesitate more before saying: “Yes I did”. I would totally understand that moment of hesitation that you would have because it is not easy to find that kind of picture. I think that the work of art Intérieur chez Louis-Philippe Yergeau from Gabor Szilasi’s Gallery could be one of them. This amazing photographer was born in 1928 at Budapest in Hungary. He immigrated to Canada in 1957 and had a long career at Montreal. He took a lot of pictures to demonstrate our society problems. I chose one of them to illustrate the short story GOD HAS MANIFESTED HIMSELF UNTO US AS CANADIAN TIRE. When I saw this work of art for the first time, I wondered what it was supposed to be. I imagined that it could be one of those stores where they sell some old different objects. To me, this reflection seemed to be really logical because there were so many things in the room. However, when I read the title (Intérieur chez Louis-Philippe Yergeau), I realized that it was the living room of an apartment. Could you live in that kind of place? I think that I could not live there because I would feel really lost, just as lost as I feel when I look at this picture. It is a fact; my eyes do not know where to look at in that mess. There is always a new object that attracts me each time I look at it. This picture seems even more chaotic when you look at the colors. There is not a brighter or a darker spot on the picture. There are a little bit of bright and dark colors everywhere. I like how the incredible number of objects and the colors make me feel lost because it shows me how bad is overconsumption. I think that the picture Intérieur chez Louis-Philippe Yergeau represents really well the short story GOD HAS MANIFESTED HIMSELF UNTO US AS CANADIAN TIRE. First, I

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