Dissertation civilisation américaine. fédéralisme.

1741 mots 7 pages
American civilization.

This text is an article of newspaper extracted from the famous English newspaper The Economist. It was published January 1st, 1998 and is entitled " More neighbourly government". At that time, Bill Clinton was the president of the United States. He was president of the United States from 1993 to 2001, he belongs to the democratic party and he was just reelected in November of 1996.
This text deals with the loss of power of the centralized power in the United States. Indeed, the United States are a federation since 1787. At the beginning, there were 13 colonies, nowadays, it counts 50 states and the federal capital is Washington. The federal government consists of three branches: the executive, the legislative and the judicial and is managed by the system of division of powers named historically checks and balances.
However, we can notice on the part of the various states a real desire of autonomy which is translated by significant differences between the various states. Nowadays, there are 87 000 locals governments that is entails a lot of disparities.
So, we can ask ourselves why states are in favour of devolution and why the federal state is not against this loss of its power. We can also ask ourselves what consequences the devolution could have from the point of view of the federal state and from the point of view of state federated ?
To answer these questions we will see in the first part the place and the functioning of the federal government in American federalism, what are the advantages of the centralization but also why federal state is not totally against devolution. In a second part we will see the taking of autonomy of states which entails a movement of devolution, why they want to be more autonomous, how they do that and what are the consequences of this devolution.

To understand the movement of devolution which is translated in this article it is necessary to understand how works the American federal state and which

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