Dream house

652 mots 3 pages
Question 1 : Do you think that old buildings are beautiful than new ones ?


Nowadays some people are in favour of new buildings. But personally I am not one of those who assert that.

As far as I am concerned old buildings are more beautiful than new ones . Firstly, because I believe that they have extraordinary features like strength , in other words , through history those kinds of buildings have resisted rain,snow,storm , and the different sorts of natural calamities and man –made disasters. For instance, when we speak about the British old buildings we can mention : The Beeston Castle, Appleby Castle, Alloa Tower , Blickling Hall …etc , which are beautiful , strong and people all over the globe dream only to visit them . Secondly , I suppose that the old buildings are the most beautiful because they are considered as monuments which were constructed by artists and have magical charm . thirdly ,I think that old buildings are the outcome of hard work and seriousness of a certain elite in a developed society.

All in all , one cannot deny that the new buildings are also beautiful, but personally I adore the old ones , and see that they are the most beautiful .

Question 2: Describe a well known building in your home town.


My home town is Souk Ahras , which was known during the Roman period as “Thagaste” ,i.e. “ the market of lions». That is why most of its buildings contain a statue of a lion . There are many famous buildings their , actually I will choose to describe the former city Hall of Souk Ahras used now as a theater. This last is a wonderful building situated in the down town it is a duplex with a huge clock on the top , in short it is so gorgeous that it could be a museum in itself.


The city hall of Souk Ahras

Question 3 :How important a monument for identifying nations ?


Monuments are very crucial in identifying nations besides they play a significant role in attracting

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