Exposé cheval en anglais

910 mots 4 pages
Script Horse riding exists for centuries when it was a means of transportation but nowadays if horse riding could be use as the beginning like mounted police for example, there is more a pleasure. There are much different ways to get on a horse. The most renowned is classical riding but there is also Amazonian riding which is only for women: they ride with two legs on the same side. An other way is “Doma Vaquera” which is used by riders working in bulls husbandries. An other is “Camargue” riding which is particular to south of France and is specifying to wild camarguians bulls husbandries. Even if exists many others ways we going to focus on classical riding. Into this way there are much various academic disciplines. Among them there is horse-drawn carriage where a car is harnessing to one or more horses, this discipline is the heir of horse riding like a means of transportation. Others are endurance race, horse ball, polo, pony games and equestrian vaulting to say the most reputed. Exists also more renowned disciplines as dressage and show jumping, an other is eventing which bring dressage, show jumping and cross-country. The latest discipline is a sort of show jumping but in natural grounds. Just for the information the world record in high jump was in 1949 by Alberto Larraguibel Morales who jumped 2 meters 47. The aim of show jumping is to jump over all fences without problems. In fact fences are constructed with mobiles bars which fall when horses touch them. An other problem is disobedience which is when horses refuse to jump. Each of these problems is considered like a fault and brings penalties points to competitors. So the aim is to achieve the round without penalties and without go past the limiting time. The round lasts about 2 minutes and is composed by about 10 or 11 fences. It can be on different grounds like sands ground or grass ground. Competitors must respect an order to jump over fences or they are eliminated. They can be also

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