
863 mots 4 pages
Could be a restaurant or a take away
F&B outlets during middle age
Mainly banquet could be wedding, celebrate end of war,
For the lord
Welcomes the travelers for F&B and for accommodations. people don’t have to pay because they have to welcome for free.
Inn: At this time the first INN (relais de poste)
The money, the support was coming from the lord.
The monks
They make alcohol mainly beer and wine. It was protected by walls. In the middle of this area they were cultiving they own food.

F&B outlets during renaissance 1. First hotel (16th century)
Table manners (17th century)
Middle class cuisine
1765 estaminets (=restaurants) because of trade, the middle class people were traveling 2nd step of corporation; new kind of food. They were well-off so they were able to have their own food and cook. They were able to open their restaurant and to become themselves middle class.
Lots of travelers were coming from Italie and middle east

Why did revolution time help support cuisine?
Who move to Paris? Some intellectuals, some farmers but mainly the politicians (le clergé, le tiers état et les nobles( clerical, all the country side people) et comme il fallait qu’ils se noursissent =>debut des restaurants).
They were coming to have drinks (wine) after they need food (lots of meat and vegetables)
First restaurants
Paris first town having restaurant
The golden age 1. 19th century
Creation of train
People have more money -> more luxury more time so more food
Middle class having more and more money because of industry
Lord have less money
Owner of restaurant become more and more money
So people want to open their own restaurants
Role of maitre d’hôtel
Maitre d’hôtel in private house in charge of purchasing, administration, the staff(recruiting, firing…) is like today a GM of a hotel responding to the owner. Very powerful position
Protocol and new manners
At the

en relation

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