Has multiculturalism failed in the UK? not really

391 mots 2 pages
new report examines the alleged aspects of multiculturalism's "failure". These being: one, that multiculturalism has encouraged exclusion rather than inclusion.
Two, that by living parallel lives minorities preserve their ethnic behaviours and values that run counter to broader society. And three, these separate communities provide fertile soil for radicalisation.
The new report finds that all groups of ethnic minorities support the maintenance of their own ethnic customs and traditions, but they also show equally striking support for mixing and integrating: with positive feelings about the cultures of both origin and destination countries.
As we British fans fill those Olympic seats and cheer Team GB, it matters not whether those athletes are first generation, second generation, mixed race, or white. We support every one of them with pride and patriotic emotion. And each athlete is equally as proud to carry the union flag and sing the national anthem as any of their team-mates. As our Olympics ceremony told the world, we have a modern history – an inclusive one – which we are proud of. Perhaps we could say Britain is in fact a rather successful multicultural society. nouveau rapport examine les aspects présumés de "l'échec" de multiculturalisme. À savoir: une, que le multiculturalisme a encouragé l'exclusion plutôt que l'inclusion.
Deux, qu'en vivant des vies parallèles les minorités à préserver leurs comportements et leurs valeurs qui sont contraires à la société plus large ethniques. Et trois, ces communautés séparées fournissent un terrain fertile pour la radicalisation.
Le nouveau rapport conclut que tous les groupes de minorités ethniques en charge l'entretien de leurs propres coutumes et traditions ethniques, mais ils montrent également un soutien tout aussi frappante pour le mélange et l'intégration: avec des sentiments positifs sur les cultures d'origine et de pays de destination.
Comme nous les fans britanniques de remplir ces sièges olympiques et

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