Le rôle des banques dans le financement de l’activité économique

1300 mots 6 pages
Your time in South Africa will be spent volunteering at a local children's hopsital. The hospital has been developed into a place where not only the patients' health is of concern, but to provide an environment of happiness and well being.

Programme Details

The hospital currently oversees a large volunteer workforce who either interact daily in the wards with the children, or work in the fundraising shop raising funds for the ever-increasing needs of the children. Volunteers with their brightly coloured toy trolleys continue to bring a better quality of life to the little patients.
Your typical working hours on this project will be from Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 12.30pm and Tuesdays and Thursdays 2-4pm also. However, any extra time you can give to the project will be really appreciated - there’s always someone to share a smile with!
The children at the hospital are suffering from a range of conditions and this can be tough on both the children and the staff. You will need to be patient, understanding and have a love of children to participate in this project. You will get a lot out of your time at the hospital as the children really appreciate you being there at this time in their lives.
There is likely to be a wide age range at the hospital, so you need to be imaginative and adaptable in order to think of appropriate activities and work with the various age groups. Whilst on this project, you can expect to be involved in various areas, depending on your skills and experiences; for example you might be shadowing a physician or work in specialised treatments such as reflexology or aromatherapy.
Your assistance in the areas of play therapy, assisting on the wards and helping in the fundraising shop will be much appreciated.

A Gap Year travel is an exciting once in a lifetime experience that can be suitable for anyone! Why should you go to a Gap Year Travel? • Get in touch with foreign communities. A Gap year travel is not the typical

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