Oral d'anglais tl sur l'anorexie

634 mots 3 pages
Swedish Ad concerning Anorexia.

This picture is taken from a Swedish ad concerning Anorexia. This ad was diffused in 2007. It shows us a girl with eating disorders. We can imagine this is an awareness campaign for all the diseases concerning food troubles. This ad shocked many persons because we understand how dangerous is this disease because it can touch very young teenagers.

This picture takes place in a teenager's room. A young girl is staring at her reflection in a huge mirror. This one takes up a big part of the photography. The girl is standing in the middle of the room. We focus on her that's why we don't care about things around her in the bedroom. Her body attracts us. We see a young girl with some curves. She is only wearing too small underwears. She looks herself in greatest details. Her face is filled of sadness. Her hands are joined as if she wanted to find a solution or maybe to hide herself. Hide is round belly, her whole body because she doesn't love her, she is ashamed of what she is, of what she thinks see about herself. We have the impression she wants to remove excess. She really seems ill at ease. The way she looks at her body, like if it isn't hers.. we clearly see that she is preocupied because of her sad face and the tears on her cheek. She doesn't love her, she looks at herself like if there is a stranger in front of her. She seems lost.

Then, we turn our gaze towards the girl who really exist, the one who is staring at her reflection. We are immediately shocked. She is back, the least of her bones is prominent, ready to pierce the skin became as thin as paper. A skeleton, an emaciated body, that's what she looks like. Her underwears are too big for her. We have the impression that one of our breathe could break her legs. We are totally frightened by so many thin. This ad is really shocking because at first, we focus on the reflect in the mirror, we see a girl who apparently doesn't love herself. And then the

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