
1293 mots 6 pages
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As a child he had paradoxically burlesqued his three older sisters as, respectively, 'Bossy', 'Silly' and 'Sulky', or alternatively as 'the big one', 'the thin one' and 'the short one', such crude appellations strangely becoming ever more apposite as he and they aged. Being the baby of the family, he was routinely ordered around and importuned by these, to his memory, always¬ women. Even the youngest and prettiest, sullen, petite Drava, was six years older than him. Only Drava had married, produced Mercedes and then divorced; Monika and Komelia had always lived at home, working intermit¬tently in the family businesses or part time jobs. They were now full time carers and, if either or both of them had a love life, it was lived secretly somewhere far afield.
'Morning, ladies,' Lorimer said with feeble jocularity. They were all so much older than him: he saw them more as aunts rather than sisters, reluctant to believe the blood tie was so proximate, trying vainly to establish some genetic distance, some congenital breathing space.
'Mum, it's Milo, 'Komelia bawled into the kitchen, but Lorimer was already heading that way, toting his solid bag of meat. His mother's wide frame blocked the doorway as she wiped her hands on a dishcloth, beaming moistly at him through the fogged lenses of her spectacles. 'Milomre,' she sighed, the love in her voice palpable and overwhelming, and she kissed

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