Système éducatif anglais (primaire et secondaire)

578 mots 3 pages
Primary education system :

Primary school in England is divided into two parts, first of all there is the “Infant School” for children who are between 5 and 7, and then the “Junior School” from 7 to 11.
At the end of the infant school which is also called “Key Stage 1” pupils take their first Standard Assessment Tests (SAT). And at the end of the junior school which represents the “Key Stage 2”, pupils have to take national curriculum tests in reading, writing, mathematics and science.
The subjects which are studied at the primary school are mathematics, English, history, geography, music, sport, art…

Secondary education system:

The current Secondary Education system is quite complex in England. In many regions of England, there are comprehensive schools which are secondary schools that don’t select children on the basis of academic attainment or aptitude. But in some regions the school selective system always exists. And this system is called the tripartite system. Indeed it’s a tripartite system because there are 3 types of secondary schools which provide schooling for children according to their “innate intelligence”. There are Grammar Schools for brighter pupils, Secondary Modern School for the less bright and Technical Schools for the non-academic pupils.
In addition compared to France where secondary education is divided into two parts ( first of all “le collège” and then “le lycée” ), in England both are put together from year 7 ( the equivalent of “la 6ème”) to the year 13 (the equivalent of “la terminale”).
Year 7, 8 and 9 composed the Key Stage 3. Pupils in Key Stage 3 study the same subjects than in primary school. And at the end of the year 9, they sit the SAT exams.
Key Stage 4 includes years 10 and 11. At the end of the year 11, they take the GCSE examinations (General Certification of Secondary Education).
And finally there is the 6th Form made up by years 12 and 13, pupils from year 12 take the AS/Level and pupils from year 13 the

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