The american welfare state system

1306 mots 6 pages
It is only tardily compared to the other industrialized countries in 1965 (nineteen sixty five) that a part of excluded, elderly and certain groups of poor have access to a medical cover (= couverture médicale). As from the (à partir) 20th century the system is dominated by important private centers of care (centres privés de soins médicaux) practicising an advanced technological medicine (une médecine technologique de pointe), which drains capital and talents and stimulates the development of industries of health. From now on (désormais), the AMA does not have any more one determining role; insurance companies and the big hospitals dominate the health system too, with a private wich is consolidating.
After seeing the installation of this system, we can wonder now, how is it organized and what are its effects on the population?
So let’s see the global organization of this system (I), after the reality generated by this system (II).


Health care in the United States is provided by many separate legal entities.
According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences and others, the U.S. is the only wealthy and industrialized nation that does not have universal health care. In the United States, around 84.7% (eighty four percent) of citizens have some form of health insurance; either through their employer (59.3%), purchased individually (8.9%), or provided by government programs.
Indeed, American health care concerns both the public and the private.
For the public, you have to know that Many individuals not covered by private insurance are covered by government insurance programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, various state and local programs for the poor, and TRICARE and the Veterans Administration, which provide care to veterans, their families, and survivors through medical centers and clinics.[38][39] In 2007, Medicaid provided health care coverage for 39.6 million low-income Americans and Medicare

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