The fifth child

4705 mots 19 pages
"We have tried". David explained what had happened with the three amiable and indifferent girls.
"Doesn't surprise me. Who wants to do an honest job these days? " said Dorothy. 'But you have to get someone. and i can tell you i didn't expect to end my days as your and Sarah's skivvy."
Here Luke and Helen gave their grandmother incredulous looks and burst into tears. After a pause, Dorothy controlled herself and began consoling them.
"All right, it's all right', she said "And now I'm going to put Paul and Jane to bed. You two, Luke and Helen can put yourselves to bed. I'll come up and say good night. And then your grand is off to bed. I'm tired'
The subdued children went off upstairs.
Harriet did not come down again that evening; her husband and her mother knew she was being sick. Which they were used to.... but were not used to ill temper, tears, fretfulness.
When the children were in bed, David did some of the work he had brought home, made himself a sandwich, and was joined by D, who had come down to make herself tea. This time they did not exchange irritabilities: they were together in a companionable silence, like two old campaigners facing trials and difficulties.
Then David went up into the great shadowy bedroom, where lights from an upstairs windows in a neighboring house a good thirty yards away sent gleams and shadows on to the ceiling. He stood looking at the big bed where Harry lay. Asleep? Baby Paul was lying asleep close to her, unwrapped. David cautiously leaned over, folded Paul into his cuddling blanket, took him to his room next door. He saw Harriet's eyes shine as the followed his movements.
He got into bed and, as always, slid out his arm so that she could put her head on to it and be gathered close to him.
But she said, "Feel this" and guided his hand to her stomach.
She was nearly three months pregnant. this new baby had not yet shown signs of independent life, but now David felt a jolt under his hand, quite a hard movement

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