Tim burton

874 mots 4 pages
STEP III: What is Tim Burton’s Signature?

| |Corpse Bride |Beetlejuice |Charlie and the |Big Fish |Sweeney Todd |Nightmare Before |
| | | |Chocolate Factory | | |Christmas |
|Type of film |stop-motion + animation + |Horror + suspense |Fantasy + comedy |Comedy |Horror film + musical, |stop motion + |
|Film director Main |fantasy film | | | |fantasy. |fantasy film + |
|actors | |T. Burton |T. Burton |T. Burton | |musical |
|Date |Tim Burton + | | | |T. Burton, | |
| |Mike Johnson |Nick Michael + |J. Depp + Freddie |Ewan Mc Gregor + Albert| |Henry Selick |
| | |Winona Ryder + |Highmore |Finney + Jessica Lange |J. Depp + |Danny (+ T. Burton |
| |Johnny Depp + |Alec Baldwin + | | |Helena Bonham Carter |as producer) |
| |Helena Bonham Carter + |Catherine O’Ahara |July 2005 |2003 | | |
| |Emily Watson | | | |2007 |Danny Elfman + |
| | |1988 | | | |Catherine O'Hara |

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