Tp forces

531 mots 3 pages
TP Physic 4 Forces (TICE) European section 1S


|Teacher’s desk |For each group |
| |Computer |
| |Softwares: traceforce, forces, Avistep®, Regressi® |
| |Videofile: medball_vertic.avi |

How to represent a force vector?

• In the file RESSOURCES ELEVES / LYCEE / 1S; open the file “traceforce”. Follow the instructions and solve the 5 situations. • Print the final result.

Test on the forces

• Open the file “forces”. Answer the 6 questions.

Analyse of the medicine-ball movement

Use of Avistep®

• Open Avistep® on the desktop. • In the file RESSOURCES ELEVES / LYCEE / 1S; open the video file “medball_vertic”.

• Press on button ( to run the video and find its 4 phases: Launch, Rise, Descent, and Reception. Use buttons ( and ( to do so image by image back and forth. • Locate image 1 (for our study) when the ball is immobile in the ground reference mark. In other words the ball is in the motion less launcher’s hand. It is the beginning of the launching phase. • Locate the last useful image when the ball is immobile in the ground reference mark. It’s the end of the reception phase. • Click on button ( to give the scale of the image. To do so, choose on the video 2 points separated by a given distance. Left click on the first point and extend the red line up to the second point. Enter the distance (in meter). (In case of error, right click on the wrong point to cancel it) H(person) = 1,6 m • Button ( makes it possible to

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