L'economie aux etats-unis à la fin du xixème siècle.

1290 mots 6 pages
Business in United-States plays a very important role in the nation, plays the key economic, social and cultural role. The United-States are conceded as the most powerful and richest nation in the world thanks to infancy of its business. The story of capitalism in the United-States began in the second part of the 19th century mostly after the Civil War (guerre de Sécession) in 1865. From 1855 to the end of the Civil War, the United-States experienced an incredible economic development which symbolizes the United-Sates economic development. It’s the second American revolution and this is the beginning of capitalism in United-States.

What is capitalism? It means that you own a business which you run in order to make a profit for yourself (¹ mercantilism, based on the theory of the aim of economic activity to increased the power of the nation). The capitalism is an economic and political system in which property, business and industry are possessed by private individuals and not by the state. Capitalism is inexplicable from the spirit of the New World.

Chapter 1 : The « Machine Age »

The United-State is the « workshop of the world » (l’« atelier du monde »). Before the Civil War, England was the economic leader. This period is called the « Gilded Age » (L’« âge d’or »), it comes from the title of a novel from Mark Twain in 1873. From 1865 to the end of the 19th century, there were economic booms but also three economic depressions : from 1865 to 1868, from 1883 to 1885 and from 1893 to 1896, this period marks the beginning of the triumph of the money over spiritual matters and this was really the « Gospel of Wealth » (« l’Evangile de la richesse), title of a book written by Andrew Canergie.

I - Industrial revolution

In the late 19th century, the United-State became the largest economy in the world thanks to the rapid development of some industries (coal, copper, pig-iron, steel..). In the beginning of the 20th century, the

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